What This Week! (Vol. 8 2025)

WEEK: 2/23/2025 - 3/1/2025

This week feels like it’ll be a better week. If you’ve been following along these last few weeks, then you know that I have been a saddie baddie to the fullest. I feel like I might be starting to come out of the fog, but I know that the battle isn’t over. This is just the beginning of the fight.

I’ve been excited and overwhelmed at the same time for weeks, but the key is about managing it the best way that I can. So far, I think this weekend healed me a little bit. It’s truly crazy how much sweet words, meaningful gifts, and a night full of laughs has the potential to change the course of your week.

I’m eager to announce that the content will be returning in full force in March! I have a new light, a new camera, and a new gameplan! Social media has felt like a job lately, and I want to find my love for it again. So, here’s my commitment to give you unique and engaging content throughout the whole month of March!

    1. Quick Update!

    1. Bookstagram spotlight

    2. Booktok spotlight

    1. Author Spotlight of The Week

      1. Carmen Rosales

    2. 3 New-to-me Authors

      1. D.K.

      2. Rhea Harp

      3. S.C. Arlette

    1. Book Dedications: Love Letters To The Masses

    1. No Videos This Week

What am I reading this week?

This week I will be completing the audiobook for Pretty Monster by Sheridan Anne. I went into this book blind and I plan to keep it that way! I love going into audiobooks blindly because it allows me to fully immerse myself into the story. Maybe you’ll even catch a review of it on the site when I’m done!!!

Influencer Spotlight


@scarlettsgrimoire on Instagram

I’ve followed Scarlett for a while now and I love her content. She has such fun flatlays and when she talks about a book you can really feel just how much she loves the author or their work. I always love seeing people excel at the things they are passionate about and Scarlett does it beautifully. If you need another dark bookish girly to relate to, definitely follow her immediately!


@weirdwitchx on Tik Tok

This is a new-to-me booktoker whose content I came across and instantly loved! You’ll find book reccs, relatable content about your fave book boyfriends, and a safe place to be a dark romance reader! Check her content out if you want to feel like you personally know the creator that you’re interacting with! It feels like watching your bestie talk which is the best!

Author Spotlight

This weeks author spotlight goes out to Carmen Rosales!

I was gifted Thirst for Christmas by my sweet friend Jasmine. While, I have yet to get into this book, I did add it to my birthday giveaway for one lucky reader to buddy read with me!!

I have seen so many of my fellow dark romance readers rave about Carmen’s work. JUST LOOK AT THESE COVERS. I’m drooling over every single one. Especially the model covers! Not only do I love supporting Indie Authors, but I also love supporting Latinx(e) authors who write dark romance and Carmen Rosales check off both boxes! I hope you all check her out or comment which book/ series of hers is your fave if you’ve read her books already!

New-to-Me Authors

I use the new-to-me author section to not only highlight authors I just found, but also authors who I may have know about whose books I have not read yet.

Check out this weeks new-to-me author recommendations!

Bookish News This Week:

Book Dedications: Love Letters To The Masses

Shoutout to author Lo Gold for this week’s topic! I wouldn’t have written this without your suggestion. Thank you!

I don’t know about all of you, but I for one, am obsessed with a good moody dedication. The ones that truly hold my heart the most have to be those dedications written for the readers who are a little more in tune with their inner Edgar Allen Poe. And if we’re being realistic…that would be majority of us who read dark romance.

A good dedication has the potential to enhance a reader’s experience tenfold. I find myself loving books with moody dedications with such a passion. I feel like it sets the tone for me which is exactly what I need when I first immerse myself into a new book world. Not only do I find myself more connected to the story, but the author as well. I think the idea of being “seen” and understood by those who take exactly what I’m feeling and put it down on paper is such a beautiful thing to look forward to each time I crack open a book. Metaphorical, relax my little angels, I promise I don’t crack my spines…anymore.

Here are my 10 current favorite dedications! They’re not in any particular order, so, enjoy!

  1. “For all the broken people who keep fighting for every breath.” Shattered Hearts, Shae Ruby

  2. “For all of us who turned to reading after hitting rock bottom. I see you.” Isle of Beauty, C.J. Lucci

  3. “For the broken ones who are in need of something dark, morbid, and beautiful.” The Fabric of Our Souls, K.M. Moronova

  4. “For those who thought because they were broken or damaged, they were incapable of loving or being loved.” Broken Little Dove, Kayla Marie

  5. “To my first boyfriend, Nick. Thanks for letting me borrow some of our history in this story. You were a deadbeat, but goddamn your dick was huge.” 7th Circle, Tate James

  6. “For everyone with a monstrous secret.” These Monstrous Ties, K.V. Rose

  7. “To my dark side…for finally being freed. You’re welcome.” Devil’s Reach, J.L. Drake

  8. “To everyone who took a chance at love, failed at love, and found the courage to try again.” Breaking Love, B.B. Reid

  9. “If you’ve ever hated your significant other as much as you’ve loved them, this one is for you.” Break For Me, Ember Nicole

  10. “This book is dedicated to all the lost, broken souls who are still fighting to own their own place in the world. I see you, I hear you. Don’t give up. You made it this far because you’re fucking RELENTLESS!” Relentless Queen, Genevieve Ami Moon

Dedications such as the ones I’ve listed above feel like love letters from the author to the reader. Love letters always carry parts of the writer’s heart to the eyes of the reciever. Don’t romance novels do the same thing? Our romance stories carry so many pieces of the author that we, the readers, get in strides. The dedication is the seal, a bond, and a promise to the reader that the author wants you to soak up every word with gusto. With every book they write, they leave their hearts in the palms of the masses and it’s up to us to accept that love. I know I’m a sucker for love, so count me in.

I hope you find yourself paying more attention to the dedications of all the books you read now! Let it set the tone and set you up for a successful reading experience!

Booktube Videos of The Week

Another week and no youtube videos. Somebody give me more hours in a day please LOL!


Make Me by Alina May Review


Misconceptions of Dark Romance