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What This Week! (Vol. 9 2025)
In Volume 9 of the What This Week Series, I spotlight author M.J Byrne, discuss what’s going on in the book community with Sophie Lark’s newest book, and even show you what book I ARC read that was released on the same day as this article!

What This Week! (Vol. 8 2025)
In Volume 8 of the What This Week Series, I spotlight author Carmen Rosales, make a commitment to you all for the month of March, and even give you my updated audiobook read!

What This Week! (Vol. 7 2025)
In Volume 7 of the What This Week Series, I touch base on The Plight Of A Graphic Designer: Is Cover Design Art? I also outline some changes coming to the What This Week Series, some cool upcoming projects, and the fact that it’s my birthday week!

What This Week! (Vol. 6 2025)
In Volume 6 of the What This Week Series, you’ll be able to find indie dark romance recommendations that have mental health representation. You will also find a rambling opinion piece on becoming Twenty-five: The Age of Melancholy and Melodramatics. This week, I also share double the influencer spotlights!

What This Week! (Vol. 5 2025)
This week while I don’t have any influencer spotlights, I do have my reads of the week, new-to-me authors as usual, and an opinion piece on ‘ARCs: Who Deserves Them'.

What This Week! (Vol. 4 2025)
Find yourself skipping prologues and wonder if you’re alone? Check out this week’s ‘What This Week’ article! Find my thoughts on my latest finished audiobooks, the newest new-to-me authors, and even some new dark romance bookish youtube videos!

What This Week! (Vol. 3 2025)
Today is MLK Day! Read along as I reflect on the impact that Martin Luther king, Jr has had on the book community! I also share details of my weekend with my book besties, my current reads, and even MORE new-to-me authors!

What This Week! (Vol. 2 2025)
Want to catch up with me again? Read about what I did this weekend, my new Sunday traditions and the newest bookish news! This week, we finally have a Bookish Topic to discuss - Does Religion Have A Place In The Bookish Community? Join me as I share my opinion and person experience with you all!

What This Week! (Vol. 1 2025)
2025 will be the year of consistency for Library of Angels and more importantly myself, - Angel! It’s never too late to start wokring on the best version of yourself and I’m so ready for a revamp. In 2025, I’m so excited to share more of myself with all of you and to do that, I will be using my ‘What This Week’ Series to do so